Clovis East Jazz Band
Jazz Band is an elite big band experience for any students interested in playing jazz. During the fall semester, the Jazz Program starts up at the end of Marching Band season. The fall semester is open to all students interested in learning jazz.
During the spring semester, the group will split into an auditioned "A" band and open enrollment "B" band available to both Clovis East and Reyburn Students. The ensembles will play in various concerts and festivals throughout the year both locally and out of town. The Jazz Ensembles will play in all different styles of jazz literature. The Jazz Ensembles are under the direction of Mr. Tim Childs
Jazz Band is an 8th period class and meets after-school
During the spring semester, the group will split into an auditioned "A" band and open enrollment "B" band available to both Clovis East and Reyburn Students. The ensembles will play in various concerts and festivals throughout the year both locally and out of town. The Jazz Ensembles will play in all different styles of jazz literature. The Jazz Ensembles are under the direction of Mr. Tim Childs
Jazz Band is an 8th period class and meets after-school